Saturday, 24 March 2012

The ‘F’ words : funding and figures, and Foundation (Nuffield)

I was interviewed by BBC York  on Thursday 22nd as part of a special feature they are broadcasting  throughout the week beginning 26th March on children and young people’s  health. The news research editor had contacted the RCGP & I was asked if I would speak about what GPs can offer and what we would like to see available.
Amongst other questions the interviewer asked my opinion on the ‘F’ word: referring to funding-for which there is patently an inadequate reserve; and also figures.
I was keen to quote the Key Data  on Adolescence produced by the AYPH and published in November 2011  which draws public attention to the paucity of data on the prevalence and incidence of psychological problems and mental ill-health in adolescence. On p92 the authors ‘regret the decision of the Coalition government to postpone’  the repeat of the national community survey which had been conducted in 2000 and 2005 and was planned for 2010.   
This is disappointing and a retrograde step as without more data we simply do not know the full extent of the problem nor the impact of initiatives to address emotional distress in adolescence.
On a more positive note I was delighted to receive a copy in the post of the Nuffield Foundation’s latest publication: Changing Adolescence: Social Trends and Mental Health, edited by  Dr Ann Hagell. This important and timely book brings together the main findings from the Nuffield Foundation’s Changing Adolescent Programme and explores how social change may affect young people’s behaviour, mental health   and transitions towards adulthood .
The briefing papers which summarise the programme reviews are available from
I commend the project and the book to those wanting to understand more about the complex relationship between the contemporary social context in which young people grow and develop and their emotional and physical well-being.
Many of us are looking forward to the AYPH annual research conference in Cardiff on Tues 27th March. It looks set to be a great day.I will be blogging on the highlights of the event shortly. Until then
Jane Roberts